The Voice Dynamic Approach

Watch Craig and see why his father said, "That's the best investment you've made!"
Listen to the difference in Trish's voice - from young-sounding to mature and warm.

Sound More Mature

Imagine a voice which is richer, deeper and more mature-sounding. Can it happen to you? Absolutely! We all have one -- it's just a matter of discovering it.

Do You Speak in a Monotone?

If you speak with no emotion, no color, then you are boring. Boring doesn't sell. Color is heard in your vocal variety but also seen in your facial expression and body language.

Too Much Nose Is Like...

That's right. Nails on a blackboard. Excessive nasality mars a great speaking voice. You can eliminate the twang and discover a better voice in the process!

Too Soft or Too Loud?

 If you are soft-spoken, your message is not being heard. If you're too loud, you turn others off. Discover how to speak within a normal volume level and your listeners will thank you.

Nervous Public Speaking?

Once you find your 'real' voice, you will discover the best means of controlling your nervousness in any form of public speaking, allowing it to work for you and not against you.

Voicing It! Video

The only complete video training course for
speaking voice which will change your
both professionally and personally.

Private Sessions

Work with me personally online
and discover your 'real' voice in the
 comfort of your home or office.

2-Day Workshops

Throughout the 2-day workshop, Nancy
will provide in-depth, personalized training
in voice and presentation skills.

Success Stories

“What Nancy has to offer is invaluable.  If you
want to sound more confident, more professional,
definitely check out what she has to offer.”

Kristi Frank The Apprentice 2

“After my presentation one of the gentlemen
said that he enjoyed the way I spoke and that
the tone in my voice commanded respect.
So…thanks for your help!”

Nick Vitalbo President nVision Technology Inc. and nVisti, LLC

“It is such a pleasure to speak this way.
There is no longer any strain and no
more scratchiness in my throat.”

Brian Siegel Chiropractor

“Your voice training was some of the most
valuable training I have had in my career.”

Allison Christilaw Chief Executive Officer at Reddin Global

“Thank you for helping me find my REAL voice,
strengthen it and keep it strong through my
busiest month of reading. I am now a much
better storyteller because of you!”

Don Dougherty Storyteller/Classroom Adventure Stories

“I ordered Nancy’s Voicing It! DVDs
and another top-selling course.
Nancy’s program is far superior!”

Jennifer Madigan Program Coordinator /Continuing Studies at VSB Langara College

“Nancy Daniels’ course was a real answer to a prayer.
I will recommend this course to everyone who needs
to maximize their personal success.”

Greg Miller Author, Musician

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